How to check ports from client to core server with a five(9)s Console Custom Button

Modified on Wed, 18 Dec, 2024 at 3:37 PM

Very often we can not really be sure if all the necessary IP ports are open from client to core (and back).

Here is a tutorial zu add these functionality into five(9)s console with an powershell custom button

1st of all: You need admin rights in five(9)s console.

open Adminpage => General Settings => Custom Buttons

Add custom button:
Give it a name as you like:
For Example: Port Client to Core
Select Type: PowerShell
Select location: Selected Device
Copy the following Powershell script and paste it into PowerShell content section

Here is the required Powershellscript (Client to Core)       
$ip = "<youre coreserver name>" 
$Protocol = 3 
$Message = "PortCheck from: %Hostname% <b>  ==>    </b>" + $ip + "<br><br>" 
if (!(Test-Path -path "C:\LDPorts")) {New-Item "C:\LDPorts" -Type Directory} 
$datestring = (Get-Date).ToString("s").Replace(":",".") 
function Test-Port{  
    DefaultParameterSetName = '',  
    ConfirmImpact = 'low'  
            Mandatory = $True,  
            Position = 0,  
            ParameterSetName = '',  
            ValueFromPipeline = $True)]  
            Position = 1,  
            Mandatory = $True,  
            ParameterSetName = '')]  
            Mandatory = $False,  
            ParameterSetName = '')]  
            Mandatory = $False,  
            ParameterSetName = '')]  
            Mandatory = $False,  
            ParameterSetName = '')]  
            Mandatory = $False,  
            ParameterSetName = '')]  
    Begin {  
        If (!$tcp -AND !$udp) {$tcp = $True}  
        $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"  
        $report = @() 
        $report | Format-List 
    Process {      
        ForEach ($c in $computer) {  
            ForEach ($p in $port) {  
                If ($tcp) 
                    $temp = "" | Select Port, Open 
                    $tcpobject = new-Object system.Net.Sockets.TcpClient  
                    $connect = $tcpobject.BeginConnect($c,$p,$null,$null)  
                    $wait = $connect.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne($TCPtimeout,$false)  
                        Write-Verbose "Connection Timeout"  
                        $temp.Port = $p  
                        $temp.Open = "Closed or filtered"  
                    } Else 
                        $tcpobject.EndConnect($connect) | out-Null    
                            [string]$string = ($error[0].exception).message  
                            $message = (($string.split(":")[1]).replace('"',"")).TrimStart()  
                            $failed = $true  
                            $temp.Port = $p    
                            $temp.Open = "Closed or filtered"  
                        } Else{  
                            $temp.Port = $p 
                            $temp.Open = "Open"    
                    $failed = $Null      
                    $report += $temp  
                If ($udp) {  
                    $temp = "" | Select Port, Open                                    
                    $udpobject = new-Object system.Net.Sockets.Udpclient 
                    $udpobject.client.ReceiveTimeout = $UDPTimeout 
                    Write-Verbose "Sending message to remote host" 
                    $a = new-object system.text.asciiencoding 
                    $byte = $a.GetBytes("$(Get-Date)") 
                    $remoteendpoint = New-Object[]::Any,0) 
                    Try { 
                        Write-Verbose "Waiting for message return" 
                        $receivebytes = $udpobject.Receive([ref]$remoteendpoint) 
                        [string]$returndata = $a.GetString($receivebytes) 
                        If ($returndata) { 
                           $temp.Port = $p 
                           $temp.Open = "Open"  
                    } Catch { 
                        If ($Error[0].ToString() -match "\bRespond after a period of time\b") { 
                            If (Test-Connection -comp $c -count 1 -quiet) { 
                                $temp.Port = $p 
                                $temp.Open = "Open"  
                            } Else 
                               $temp.Port = $p  
                               $temp.Open = "Closed or filtered"  
                        } ElseIf ($Error[0].ToString() -match "forcibly closed by the remote host" ) { 
                            $temp.Port = $p 
                            $temp.Open = "Closed or filtered"  
                        } Else {                      
                    $report += $temp 
{          $report 
function Fulltest() 
$TCPresults = Test-Port -comp $ip -port 80,137,139,443,445,4343,5007,9594,9595,9982,12175,12176,16992,16993,16994,33354 -tcp -TCPtimeout 1800 
$TCPresults | Out-File $TCPtxt 
$UDPresults = Test-Port -comp $ip -port 67,69,1759,4011,9535,9595,38293 -udp -UDPtimeout 1800 
$UDPresults | Out-File $UDPtxt 
$textTCP = "<b>=====>  TCP  <=====</b><br>" 
foreach($lineTCP in [System.IO.File]::ReadLines($TCPtxt)) 
      $textTCP += $lineTCP + "<br>" 
$textUDP = "<b>=====>  UDP  <=====</b><br>" 
foreach($lineUDP in [System.IO.File]::ReadLines($UDPtxt)) 
      $textUDP += $lineUDP + "<br>" 
$EXPLORETCP = "<br>Results are on %Hostname% in Folder: \\%Hostname%\c$\LDPorts\$ip\TCP" 
$EXPLOREUCP = "<br>Results are on %Hostname% in Folder: \\%Hostname%\c$\LDPorts\$ip\UCP" 
$TCPAnzeige = $Message + $textTCP + $EXPLORETCP 
$UDPAnzeige = $Message + $textUDP + $EXPLOREUCP 
PostMessageInfo $TCPAnzeige 
PostMessageInfo $UDPAnzeige 
if (!(Test-Path -path "C:\LDPorts\$ip")) {New-Item "C:\LDPorts\$ip" -Type Directory} 
if (!(Test-Path -path "C:\LDPorts\$ip\UDP")) {New-Item "C:\LDPorts\$ip\UDP" -Type Directory} 
if (!(Test-Path -path "C:\LDPorts\$ip\TCP")) {New-Item "C:\LDPorts\$ip\TCP" -Type Directory} 
$TCPtxt = "C:\LDPorts\$ip\TCP\TCPportsCheck-$ip-$datestring.txt" 
$UDPtxt = "C:\LDPorts\$ip\UDP\UDPportsCheck-$ip-$datestring.txt" 
switch ($Protocol) 

It´s not necessary to insert these feedback functions to the script. In this special case the function is allready included.
Last Modified Date

Verified versions
five(9)s Console version 4.2 or higher

  • Custom Button
  • Powershell
  • Portcheck  

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